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Cloud Native

Canonical announcements
Cloud and server
Cloud and server
Canonical announcements

Canonical launches fully managed Kubernetes and joins the CNCF

by Canonical on 9 November 2016

Having expanded the Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes to include consulting, integration and fully-managed on-prem and on-cloud Kubernetes services,...

Cloud and server

Juju: Re-Framing the Discussion

by Randall Ross on 4 August 2015

A while back, just before Dockercon 2015, the friendly folks behind Ubuntu, Juju, LXD, and a whole bunch of other goodness hosted a special event that was all...

Cloud and server

Juju at Dockercon 2015

by Jorge O. Castro on 6 July 2015

Canonical sent three Juju Ecosystem developers and one Juju core developer to Dockercon 2015 in San Francisco during which we participated in a multi-company...

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